Sunday, August 14, 2011

Henry's Birth Story

We went in to be induced on 8/11/11 at 5am.  Neil and I arrived at the hospital right on time and got settled in room 133.  They got my IV going with antibiotics and fluids.

Mom arrived around 7:30 for the big day,  Dr. Tynes came by around 8am to break my water.  They started my pitocin and I progressed very quickly.  I did experience a few contractions before I received my epidural.  They were not fun.  Mom and Neil took turns letting me squeeze their hands while I had them.  Neil even made faces of pain like he was experiencing the same pain as me!  He said he was doing it to take my mind off the pain and to focus on something else...yea.  The anesthesiologist came in a gave me my epidural around 9am.  Ahhhhh...the relief! Since I was progressing so quickly, they had to turn the pitocin off and on several times. They decided to have me lie on my side so they could keep the baby on the monitor.  I was pretty comfortable until they decided to have me sit up. The movement of sitting up caused me to get sick, but it also had me progress to 8.5 cm!  I started feeling lots of pressure and before I knew was time to push.  Neil and Mom were in the room the whole time.  I am the type of person that does not want to talk while I am in pain.  I requested that they not talk to me!  I wasn't trying to be rude...just wanted to not have to answer any questions.  I was screaming "please!" and "it hurts so bad!"  Neil was right there the whole time holding my leg and encouraging me. I started pushing at 12:02pm and Henry arrived at 12:20pm!  It was such a huge pain relief when he made his debut.  They set him right on top of me and I was just overjoyed.  He actually peed all over me when he was set on top of me!  Neil even got to cut the cord.  Henry came out screaming and was such a nice shade of pink.  This was a lot different than Bennett who came out sort of white and not breathing.  We were so thankful to get to hold our baby boy right away!  We were all crying with joy when we saw him.  Mom sobbed through the entire thing.  She said that besides having my brother and me that this was the best experience she has ever had.  Right after Henry was born, we opted to have the "magic hour" with just me, Neil and Henry before our guests arrived.  It was such a sweet and perfect time for us.  With Bennett, I felt like everyone got to see him before I did!  We really enjoyed our time with our new, precious addition.

In my cute gown ready for my IV!

Mommy and Daddy are so excited!

Yippee!  Henry is here!

Beautiful screaming boy!

So happy to finally have you in my arms.

There was something really sweet about this moment.  Henry was screaming and I started talking to him and he calmed right down.  It was so sweet!

7lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long

taking blood and his foot prints

Checking his vitals and getting to hold my hand!

Proud Daddy!  His shirt says "this is what a really cool dad looks like." 

Henry's blood sugar was a little low so Neil got to give him some sugar water.

Such a proud mommy!


  1. He is just perfect! So happy for the both of you! Lance and I had about an hour and a half with just Layton, it was one of my favorite memories of that day! So glad you two are doing great!

  2. Congratulations! I'm so happy for your sweet family :)

  3. He is so precious and you look amazing! What a beautiful family!!!! JT had the same nurse that Henry had- gave me flashbacks to a year ago. :)


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